
Lately, there wasn’t any update on the webpage but I am still on, working currently on a big collection of pubs of Budapest and will be back soon! Fotó: (pinterest, Elias Rassi)
The chronicles of a Hungarian and European infinite pub crawl
Lately, there wasn’t any update on the webpage but I am still on, working currently on a big collection of pubs of Budapest and will be back soon! Fotó: (pinterest, Elias Rassi)
Originally I went to Pécs to investigate the story of the sudden closing up of a decades long legendary wine bar, Papucs but in the four days I stayed there I faced so many other unique venues which were worth to tell you about them. One of the most interesting and surprising one for me Continue Reading
If you ever would wonder in Budapest where you can get on the Buda side the popular new wave craft beers right next to delicious BBQ plates, I have also a new answer you: Hunyadi Gasztroműhely and BBQ. They have opened recently as the sequel of the popular bistro and craft beer bar with the same name. Continue Reading
Seeing Via Belvedere didn’t turn out to be the only highlight of the pub life in Bologna at the end. I had to go and experience Via del Pratello to have it all. It was a long and incredibly crowded street with bars, pubs, street food bistros on both sides and many-many people on the street till Continue Reading
Bologna has many faces considering every single feature a city can possibly have. You can get charmed by the historical downtown. You can get lost in maze-like, small and very crowded side streets, full with greengrocers and other vendors before you can escape and arrive to wide open squares again with centuries long sights around you. Continue Reading
This is how I kept continue my pub discovery in Pécs after Nappali and István Pince. Here comes the story of Korhely Pub and Restaurant and Lompos Uszkár, a summer party place in a museum garden. Right after I finished my classic dinner-lunch in the traditional István Pince, I got a phone call from a friend-girl Continue Reading
Pécs, the fifth largest Hungarian city is worth to visit for many reasons. It has beautiful natural environment because of the Mecsek mountain range, it has a rich history (which is still in the air through the buildings and monuments), very charming small streets, a tidy downtown…what else? What else? Ahh, I almost forgot, there is a wide Continue Reading
Green Bar in Bologna is an inner bar and caffé of the market hall, Mercato delle Erbe with DJ set at Friday and Saturday nights but with party mood even in daylight. It was one of the most pleasant unique hibrid places I’ve ever bumped into on my continuous pub crawl. On the third day of Continue Reading
Lets face it, even from the perspective of the pubs and bars, Bologna has a lot of flavors! A city this size should have all the possible genres even over the stereotypes. A bohemian party street belongs to the overall picture. In Bologna Via del Pratello is that street. Alto tasso on its side branch is a Continue Reading
So far, I wrote about bigger towns of Lake Balaton like Siófok and Keszthely. But our popular summer destination is mostly surrounded by smaller settlements with a few thousand or in some cases even only a few hundred inhabitants. As third target in summer of 2016 I pointed out Balatonvilágos, a tiny town with ca. Continue Reading