Green Bar in Bologna is an inner bar and caffé of the market hall, Mercato delle Erbe with DJ set at Friday and Saturday nights but with party mood even in daylight. It was one of the most pleasant unique hibrid places I’ve ever bumped into on my continuous pub crawl. On the third day of Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 15, 2017
Bologna, bolognabar, bolognabarhop, bolognacafé, bolognapubcrawl, coffee, emilia-romagna, grappa, greenbar, hospitality, italianbar, italianbarhop, italianpubcrawl, Italy, markethall, mercatodelleerbe, piadina, viabelvedere
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Lets face it, even from the perspective of the pubs and bars, Bologna has a lot of flavors! A city this size should have all the possible genres even over the stereotypes. A bohemian party street belongs to the overall picture. In Bologna Via del Pratello is that street. Alto tasso on its side branch is a Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 2, 2017
altotasso, bohemian, Bologna, craftbeer, italianbarhop, italianpub, italianpubcrawl, Italy, latenighters, malastrana, nightlife, piadina, pub, Pubcrawl
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To finding a place worth to return for the quickly waning days of a short holiday, makes a new city feel like a home. This feeling was the first sparkle for this blog, in Maxi Bar, Opatija, Croatia. I found its counterpart also in Bologna: Mio Bar. This is where I tried many must eats courses of Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 4, 2017
aperitivo, barhop, Bologna, cappuccino, coffee, gastronomy, hospitality, italianbar, Italy, limoncello, localfood, mercatodelleerbe, miobar, octopussalad, piadina, Pubcrawl, ragualbolognese, spritzer, tagliatelle, tortellini, viabelvedere
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