So far, I wrote about bigger towns of Lake Balaton like Siófok and Keszthely. But our popular summer destination is mostly surrounded by smaller settlements with a few thousand or in some cases even only a few hundred inhabitants. As third target in summer of 2016 I pointed out Balatonvilágos, a tiny town with ca. Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 6, 2017
balaton, balatonpub, balatonpubcrawl, balatonvilágosi, beer, beerbar, charliefirpo, craftbeer, handcraftbeer, hedon, hedonbeer, hungarianbeer, hungary, lakebalaton, madamporter, Pubcrawl, restaurant
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Three good news at once! The Rizmajer Beer House in downtown of Budapest just opened! Good news nr. 1: Now, we can get the good Rizmajer beers in a wide selection in the city centre too. Nr. 2: the transformation of the temporary infamous District Eight into a cool pub quarter got more intense with the help of this Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 20, 2017
Happenings and Institutes
beerhouse, brasserie, brewery, craftbeer, csepel, district8, doubleipa, gastropub, grandboulevard, grilledcheese, grilledsandwich, hamburger, hopfanatic, hungarianbeer, kenyérlángos, multitap, nohoplimit, popcornipa, porter, pubfood, pubopening, rizmajer, rizmajerbeer, rizmajerbeerhouse, sourcherrybeer, wienerschnitzel
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