If you ever would wonder in Budapest where you can get on the Buda side the popular new wave craft beers right next to delicious BBQ plates, I have also a new answer you: Hunyadi Gasztroműhely and BBQ. They have opened recently as the sequel of the popular bistro and craft beer bar with the same name. Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
April 30, 2017
Happenings and Institutes
barbecue, BBQ, beerresaturant, blackburger, brasserie, brewdog, buda, budapest, budaside, burger, craftbeers, gastronomy, gastropub, hamburger, handcraftbeers, hekkelberg, hudihudi, hungarianbeers, hungarianfood, hungarianhandcraftbeers, hunyadi, hunyadigasztromühelyandbbq, madscientist, marrowbone, pulledbeef, punkipa, rothbeer
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Three good news at once! The Rizmajer Beer House in downtown of Budapest just opened! Good news nr. 1: Now, we can get the good Rizmajer beers in a wide selection in the city centre too. Nr. 2: the transformation of the temporary infamous District Eight into a cool pub quarter got more intense with the help of this Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 20, 2017
Happenings and Institutes
beerhouse, brasserie, brewery, craftbeer, csepel, district8, doubleipa, gastropub, grandboulevard, grilledcheese, grilledsandwich, hamburger, hopfanatic, hungarianbeer, kenyérlángos, multitap, nohoplimit, popcornipa, porter, pubfood, pubopening, rizmajer, rizmajerbeer, rizmajerbeerhouse, sourcherrybeer, wienerschnitzel
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I was pleased to be invited again to Ogre bácsi (Uncle Ogre) brasserie, to the Budapest headquarter of Szent András Brewery. For the grape harvest season they came up with a grape flavored APA (American Pale Ale) beer, which is not intended to be a seasonal specialty, but a permanent member of the supply. For Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
November 1, 2016
Happenings and Institutes
ale, americanpaleale, beer, beerpremier, beerspecialty, békésszentandrás, brasserie, brewery, handcraftbeer, hungarianhandcraftbeers, ogrebácsi, szentandrásbeers, szentandrásbrewery
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