Originally I went to Pécs to investigate the story of the sudden closing up of a decades long legendary wine bar, Papucs but in the four days I stayed there I faced so many other unique venues which were worth to tell you about them. One of the most interesting and surprising one for me Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
May 25, 2017
baranyacounty, beergarden, coffee, coffeshop, fishsoup, gastronomy, havihegy, hungary, panorama, pécs, pécsibeer, resaurant, semiramis, semiramisgardenpanorama, sör, szalonbeer, tettye, tócsni, transdanubia
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Green Bar in Bologna is an inner bar and caffé of the market hall, Mercato delle Erbe with DJ set at Friday and Saturday nights but with party mood even in daylight. It was one of the most pleasant unique hibrid places I’ve ever bumped into on my continuous pub crawl. On the third day of Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 15, 2017
Bologna, bolognabar, bolognabarhop, bolognacafé, bolognapubcrawl, coffee, emilia-romagna, grappa, greenbar, hospitality, italianbar, italianbarhop, italianpubcrawl, Italy, markethall, mercatodelleerbe, piadina, viabelvedere
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One of my favorite pub-type stops in Budapest is called “Stop” simply. Megálló in Hungarian. It is immediate, welcoming, not too trendy pimped but still has a quite competitive bistro-like pub menu. It’s really worth to stop here and have some easy bites next to a coffee or a drink. Actually, its location isn’t far from Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 7, 2017
bar, barhop, bistro, bombardino, budapest, budapestbar, budapestdistrict13, budapestpub, budapestpubcrawl, cocktail, cucumberspritzer, grilledcheese, grilledsausage, grillesandwich, hermelin, nachos, nikkagin, pub, Pubcrawl, pubfood, zacaparum
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To finding a place worth to return for the quickly waning days of a short holiday, makes a new city feel like a home. This feeling was the first sparkle for this blog, in Maxi Bar, Opatija, Croatia. I found its counterpart also in Bologna: Mio Bar. This is where I tried many must eats courses of Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 4, 2017
aperitivo, barhop, Bologna, cappuccino, coffee, gastronomy, hospitality, italianbar, Italy, limoncello, localfood, mercatodelleerbe, miobar, octopussalad, piadina, Pubcrawl, ragualbolognese, spritzer, tagliatelle, tortellini, viabelvedere
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(306. stop, 232. Budapest stop – after 4 visits) I love pubs with thematic appearance pretty much. Especially when they were made with creativity, devotion, and passion to the last detail. In Budapest, on the Buda side you can find one of my favorite ones, in a very cool, but less known student pub area. It Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
January 20, 2017
barhop, budapest, budapestbar, budapestbarhop, budapestpub, budapestpubcrawl, budaside, cernykozel, concerts, designpub, grilledsandiwch, műhelypub, Pubcrawl, standupcomedy, thematicdesign, workshop
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It is quite unusual that a bar joins this fast, this easily but definitely my all time favorites. It’s already a good start when a place is located in the Via Belvedere in Bologna, right in front of the Mercato delle Erbe market hall but there is something more about Bar Mercato. On an incredible way, Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
January 13, 2017
amaro lucano, aperitivo, artpub, barhop, barmercato, Bologna, bolognabarhop, bolognapub, bolognapubcrawl, emilia-romagna, italianbar, italiypub, Italy, italybarhop, italypubcrawl, paoloroversi, prosecco, Pubcrawl, pubgallery, spritzbianco, unicum, viabelvedere
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stop, 279. budapest stop – after 5 visits The Pipa street is a special place to me. I started my life in Budapest there, not to mention it was also the scene where I – after being an abstinent for 25 years – lost my virginity to drinking in a pub out of my own decision. Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
January 5, 2017
barhop, beersphere, budapest, budapestbar, budapestpub, cafémézes, cafémézesbudapest, csíkisör, grilledsandwich, hungarianbar, hungarianbarhop, hungarianpub, hungarianpubcrawl, italian, mézes, mézesbudapest, Pubcrawl, shotroulette, szarvasisörmester
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I remained happily a captive of the Via Belvedere in Bologna, even after Fun Cool Oh and headed towards the Market Hall, where a spectacular and vibrate street night life was concentrated all over, on its stairs and in front of it, on the street. The name was Mercato delle Erbe, which means the Market Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
January 1, 2017
aperitivo, Bologna, bolognabar, bolognabarhop, bolognapub, bolognapubcrawl, craftbeers, doppiomoltomahagonyipa, italianbarhop, Italy, italypubcrawl, mercatodelleerbe, pastisbologna, sprtizbianco, viabelvederebologna
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(Station no. 18, Budapest station no. 18 – the current location after 6 visits, the former location after several visits) At the beginning of 2016 the eclectic-harmonic Kék Ló (=Blue Horse) pub has moved already to its second grandiose location in Budapest. The horse therefore seems to be a migratory animal, which gets quickly acclimatized. It used to be Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
December 24, 2016
8bitparade, barhop, budapest, budapestbar, budapestbarhop, budapestdistricteight, budapestpub, budapestpubcrawl, fashionpub, fingerpuppetoper, gastropub, hekkelberg, kéklópub, nintendo, pub, Pubcrawl, rákóczisquare, sickratman
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As we leave the downtown behind at the Keleti Railway Station, the number of the pubs is drastically decreasing, so every single piece should be estimated. Let me introduce Korona, the geographically second to last pub of the here already calmed down party district. This is an actual treasury, which quasi created a museum of itself with Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
December 15, 2016
barhop, budapestbarhop, budapestpub, budapestpubcrawl, chess, communitybar, decoration, dildo, egerwines, hungariabarhop, hungarianpub, hungarianpubcrawl, palinka, pub, Pubcrawl, regulars, urbanlegends, zsiroskenyér
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