Seeing Via Belvedere didn’t turn out to be the only highlight of the pub life in Bologna at the end. I had to go and experience Via del Pratello to have it all. It was a long and incredibly crowded street with bars, pubs, street food bistros on both sides and many-many people on the street till Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
May 12, 2017
americanbar, barhop, Bologna, bolognabarhop, bolognapub, bolognapubcrawl, DJ, italia, italianbar, italianbarhop, italianpub, italianpubcrawl, Italy, italypub, lagazzettadisera, polishwodka, pub, Pubcrawl, pubstreet, viadelpratello
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Bologna has many faces considering every single feature a city can possibly have. You can get charmed by the historical downtown. You can get lost in maze-like, small and very crowded side streets, full with greengrocers and other vendors before you can escape and arrive to wide open squares again with centuries long sights around you. Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
April 12, 2017
aperitivo, Bologna, bolognabar, bolognabarhop, bolognapub, bolognapubcrawl, emiliaromagna, ilcalice, iltaianpubcrawl, italianbar, italianbarhop, italianpub, italiy, northitaly, osteria, sprtizer, universityzone
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This is how I kept continue my pub discovery in Pécs after Nappali and István Pince. Here comes the story of Korhely Pub and Restaurant and Lompos Uszkár, a summer party place in a museum garden. Right after I finished my classic dinner-lunch in the traditional István Pince, I got a phone call from a friend-girl Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
April 19, 2017
baranyacounty, hungarianbar, hungarianbarhop, hungariancountryside, hungarianpub, hungarianpubcrawl, hungary, korhely, lomposuszkár, peanut, pécs, pécsbar, pécsbarcrawl, pécsinapok, pécspub, pécspubcrawl, resaurant, terrace
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Pécs, the fifth largest Hungarian city is worth to visit for many reasons. It has beautiful natural environment because of the Mecsek mountain range, it has a rich history (which is still in the air through the buildings and monuments), very charming small streets, a tidy downtown…what else? What else? Ahh, I almost forgot, there is a wide Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 31, 2017
culturepub, hungarianwine, istvánpince, mecsekitóka, nappali, pécs, pécsbar, pécsbarhop, pécsinapok, pécsisör, pécsiszalon, pécspub, pécspubcrawl, szalonsör, traditionalwinebar, winebar, wineregion, zwack
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Lets face it, even from the perspective of the pubs and bars, Bologna has a lot of flavors! A city this size should have all the possible genres even over the stereotypes. A bohemian party street belongs to the overall picture. In Bologna Via del Pratello is that street. Alto tasso on its side branch is a Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 2, 2017
altotasso, bohemian, Bologna, craftbeer, italianbarhop, italianpub, italianpubcrawl, Italy, latenighters, malastrana, nightlife, piadina, pub, Pubcrawl
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So far, I wrote about bigger towns of Lake Balaton like Siófok and Keszthely. But our popular summer destination is mostly surrounded by smaller settlements with a few thousand or in some cases even only a few hundred inhabitants. As third target in summer of 2016 I pointed out Balatonvilágos, a tiny town with ca. Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 6, 2017
balaton, balatonpub, balatonpubcrawl, balatonvilágosi, beer, beerbar, charliefirpo, craftbeer, handcraftbeer, hedon, hedonbeer, hungarianbeer, hungary, lakebalaton, madamporter, Pubcrawl, restaurant
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After the eventful discovery of Siófok, I stopped by two more times last summer and had a closer look at the pub life of two other towns at Lake Balaton, the largest lake of Central Europe. Keszthely in the northeastern corner and Balatonvilágos in the southwestern corner were two very different experience. Lets see the first one! Lake Balaton Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 16, 2017
balaton, beerfestival, club512, csababorozó, keszthely, lakebalaton, matróz, matrózsöröző, matrózsörözőkeszthely, retrowinebar
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Siófok has an award-winner main square, interesting statues and a beautiful Balaton shore, but when its name is mentioned, most of the young people think of its famous party promenade, Petőfi sétány. I’ve spent three days to experience the difference between the already known party promenade and the real local bars. On the last night Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
January 26, 2017
balaton, balatonbarhop, balatonpubcrawl, balatonpubs, barhop, localpubs, nightlife, petőfisétány, Pubcrawl, siófok, siófokbarhop, siófokpubcrawl, siófokpubs, sundaynight
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Siófok had an entire collection of pub genres. After the first four stops the town had still more to offer. It was a rainy, grey Sunday afternoon. You would never guess,that this has been July. I was about to continue my discovery with real local pubs as long as possible, and only go to the party promenade Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
January 10, 2017
balaton, balatonbar, balatonpub, barhop, coffeeshop, hamburger, hostelbar, hungarianbar, hungarianpub, petőfipromenade, Pubcrawl, siófok, siófokbar, siófokpub
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The pubs of a Siófok sized Hungarian town are already various like the colors of the rainbow. It’s big enough to find every possible pub genre, but it’s small enough to find only one or two pieces of every type. Of course in this case the overall picture won’t stay untouched by the fact that Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
December 27, 2016
balaton, balatonbarhop, balatonpubcrawl, barhop, culturepub, hörpincssiófok, köstritzer, lógóüveg, lógóüvegsiófok, palinka, podmaniczkywinery, Pubcrawl, siófok, siófokbarhop, siófokpub, siófokpubcrawl
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