Originally I went to Pécs to investigate the story of the sudden closing up of a decades long legendary wine bar, Papucs but in the four days I stayed there I faced so many other unique venues which were worth to tell you about them. One of the most interesting and surprising one for me Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
May 25, 2017
baranyacounty, beergarden, coffee, coffeshop, fishsoup, gastronomy, havihegy, hungary, panorama, pécs, pécsibeer, resaurant, semiramis, semiramisgardenpanorama, sör, szalonbeer, tettye, tócsni, transdanubia
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This is how I kept continue my pub discovery in Pécs after Nappali and István Pince. Here comes the story of Korhely Pub and Restaurant and Lompos Uszkár, a summer party place in a museum garden. Right after I finished my classic dinner-lunch in the traditional István Pince, I got a phone call from a friend-girl Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
April 19, 2017
baranyacounty, hungarianbar, hungarianbarhop, hungariancountryside, hungarianpub, hungarianpubcrawl, hungary, korhely, lomposuszkár, peanut, pécs, pécsbar, pécsbarcrawl, pécsinapok, pécspub, pécspubcrawl, resaurant, terrace
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Pécs, the fifth largest Hungarian city is worth to visit for many reasons. It has beautiful natural environment because of the Mecsek mountain range, it has a rich history (which is still in the air through the buildings and monuments), very charming small streets, a tidy downtown…what else? What else? Ahh, I almost forgot, there is a wide Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
March 31, 2017
culturepub, hungarianwine, istvánpince, mecsekitóka, nappali, pécs, pécsbar, pécsbarhop, pécsinapok, pécsisör, pécsiszalon, pécspub, pécspubcrawl, szalonsör, traditionalwinebar, winebar, wineregion, zwack
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I haven’t made any pub crawl in Pécs, in the fifth biggest city of Hungary (145.000 inhabitants) until few weeks ago. My journey there came like a bolt from the blue, after one of my old class mates, who lived there before, sent me this article about the closure of the famous, very traditional Papucs Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
November 11, 2016
baranyacounty, barhop, barhopping, closure, hungarianpubcrawl, legend, papucs, pécs, pécsbar, pécspub, pécspubcrawl, Pubcrawl, traditionalbar, traditionalwinebar, winebar
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