When in Budapest such a significant, well-known and popular night life “cave system” like Instant is about to move away, to change, to unite, to renew is not something I can remain silent about. Doesn’t matter if we call it a club complex or a ruin pub… When it came to ruin pubs of Budapest or a party Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
February 22, 2017
akácfastreet, budapest, budapestbroadway, budapestebar, budapestpub, club, district6, district7, instant, instantbudapeset, nagymezőstreet, nightlife, partyplace, pestside, ruinpub
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168. stop (147. Budapest stop) after 2 visits Buda is always charged for being the much more silent half of Budapest, but the inner areas are spectacularly catching up. However, alongside the „feels like evergreen” park of Városmajor, you can’t describe Buda as frequented anymore for sure. At the gate of this new world you Continue Reading
A Kocsmaturista
October 15, 2016
barhop, budapest, budapestbar, budapestbarhop, budapestpub, budapestpubcrawl, design, Pubcrawl, retro, ruinbar, ruinpub
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